
This package is primarily written by Justin Bois for use with the book Biological Circuit Design by Michael Elowitz and Justin Bois and associated classes at Caltech.

Citing biocircuits

Because this package is primarily pedagogical in nature and evolves according to the needs of the Biological Circuit Design book and and associated classes at Caltech, it has at best a stable-ish API. It is therefore very important to include a version number when citing the package. It is best to cite the package using its DOI. Here is a citation for version 0.1.0.

  doi = {10.22002/D1.1615},
  url = {},
  author = {Bois, Justin S.},
  keywords = {Github},
  title = {justinbois/biocircuits: Version 0.1.0},
  publisher = {CaltechDATA},
  year = {2021}