4a. Numerical solution of FFLs
# Colab setup ------------------
import os, sys, subprocess
if "google.colab" in sys.modules:
cmd = "pip install --upgrade colorcet biocircuits watermark"
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
# ------------------------------
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
import biocircuits
import colorcet
colors = colorcet.b_glasbey_category10
import bokeh.io
import bokeh.layouts
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.plotting
It is useful to write functions to solve for the dynamics of FFLs in response to a step up and a step down to quickly explore the dynamics of the various sub-architectures of the FFL.
As a reminder, the architectures for the various FFLs are shown below.

Each architecture may feature AND or OR logic for the regulation of Z by X and Y. As we worked out in the chapter, the dimensionless dynamical equations for an FFL are
\begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}t} &= \beta\,f_y\left(\kappa x; n_{xy}\right) - y,\\[1em] \gamma^{-1}\,\frac{\mathrm{d}z}{\mathrm{d}t} &= f_z(x, y; n_{xz}, n_{yz}) - z, \end{align}
where the function \(f_y\) specifies how the expression of Y is regulated by the concentration of X and the function \(f_z\) specifies how the expression of Z is regulated by the concentrations of X and Y. We can use the regulatory functions included in the biocircuits
when we code up the ODEs for FFLs.
It is convenient to define a function that will give back a function that we can use as the right-hand side we need to specify to scipy.integrate.odeint()
. Remember that odeint()
requires a function of the form func(yz, t, *args)
, where yz
is an array of length two containing the values of \(y\) and \(z\). For convenience, our function will return a function with call signature rhs(yz, t, x)
, where x
is the value of \(x\) at a given time point.
def ffl_rhs(beta, gamma, kappa, n_xy, n_xz, n_yz, ffl, logic):
"""Return a function with call signature fun(yz, x) that computes
the right-hand side of the dynamical system for an FFL. Here,
`yz` is a length two array containing concentrations of Y and Z.
if ffl[:2].lower() in ("c1", "c3", "i1", "i3"):
fy = lambda x: biocircuits.act_hill(x, n_xy)
fy = lambda x: biocircuits.rep_hill(x, n_xy)
if ffl[:2].lower() in ("c1", "i4"):
if logic.lower() == "and":
fz = lambda x, y: biocircuits.aa_and(x, y, n_xz, n_yz)
fz = lambda x, y: biocircuits.aa_or(x, y, n_xz, n_yz)
elif ffl[:2].lower() in ("c4", "i1"):
if logic.lower() == "and":
fz = lambda x, y: biocircuits.ar_and(x, y, n_xz, n_yz)
fz = lambda x, y: biocircuits.ar_or(x, y, n_xz, n_yz)
elif ffl[:2].lower() in ("c2", "i3"):
if logic.lower() == "and":
fz = lambda x, y: biocircuits.ar_and(y, x, n_yz, n_xz)
fz = lambda x, y: biocircuits.ar_or(y, x, n_yz, n_xz)
if logic.lower() == "and":
fz = lambda x, y: biocircuits.rr_and(x, y, n_xz, n_yz)
fz = lambda x, y: biocircuits.rr_or(x, y, n_xz, n_yz)
def rhs(yz, t, x):
y, z = yz
dy_dt = beta * fy(kappa * x) - y
dz_dt = gamma * (fz(x, y) - z)
return np.array([dy_dt, dz_dt])
return rhs
To study the dynamics, we will investigate how the circuit responds to a step up in concentration of X, assuming all concentrations are initially zero, and how a circuit at steady state with nonzero concentration of X responds to a step down in X to zero. This case is particularly relevant for a C1-FFL and an I1-FFL, since in the absence of X (and leakage), the steady state levels of both Y and Z are zero. For other FFLs, the steady state concentrations of Y or Z absent X can be nonzero. In this case, you can think of the sudden rise in X being associated also with a sudden rise of effectors that allow Y and Z to turn on.
Now we can write a function to solve the ODEs. Because the steps are discontinuous, we need to solve the ODEs in a piecewise manner. We specify that the step up starts at \(t = 0\), and we will allow the time of the step down to be specified. The magnitude of the step up, \(x_0\) will also be specified.
def solve_ffl(beta, gamma, kappa, n_xy, n_xz, n_yz, ffl, logic, t, t_step_down, x_0):
"""Solve an FFL. The dynamics are given by
`rhs`, the output of `ffl_rhs()`.
if t[0] != 0:
raise RuntimeError("time must start at zero.")
rhs = ffl_rhs(beta, gamma, kappa, n_xy, n_xz, n_yz, ffl, logic)
# Integrate if we do not step down
if t[-1] < t_step_down:
return scipy.integrate.odeint(rhs, np.zeros(2), t, args=(x_0,))
# Integrate up to step down
t_during_step = np.concatenate((t[t < t_step_down], (t_step_down,)))
yz_during_step = scipy.integrate.odeint(
rhs, np.zeros(2), t_during_step, args=(x_0,)
# Integrate after step
t_after_step = np.concatenate(((t_step_down,), t[t > t_step_down]))
yz_after_step = scipy.integrate.odeint(
rhs, yz_during_step[-1, :], t_after_step, args=(0,)
# Concatenate solutions
if t_step_down in t:
return np.vstack((yz_during_step[:-1, :], yz_after_step))
return np.vstack((yz_during_step[:-1, :], yz_after_step[1:, :]))
Finally, we can write a function to solve and plot the dynamics of an FFL for a unit step.
def plot_ffl(
t=np.linspace(0, 20, 200),
yz = solve_ffl(
beta, gamma, kappa, n_xy, n_xz, n_yz, ffl, logic, t, t_step_down, x_0
y, z = yz.transpose()
# Generate x-values
if t[-1] > t_step_down:
t_x = np.array([-t_step_down / 10, 0, 0, t_step_down, t_step_down, t[-1]])
x = np.array([0, 0, x_0, x_0, 0, 0], dtype=float)
t_x = np.array([-t[-1] / 10, 0, 0, t[-1]])
x = np.array([0, 0, x_0, x_0], dtype=float)
# Add left part of y and z-values
t = np.concatenate(((t_x[0],), t))
y = np.concatenate(((0,), y))
z = np.concatenate(((0,), z))
# Normalize if necessary
if normalized:
x /= x.max()
y /= y.max()
z /= z.max()
# Set up figure
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(
x_axis_label="dimensionless time",
y_axis_label=f"{'norm. ' if normalized else ''}dimensionless conc.",
x_range=[t.min(), t.max()],
# Column data sources
cds = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(dict(t=t, y=y, z=z))
cds_x = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(dict(t=t_x, x=x))
# Populate glyphs
p.line(source=cds_x, x="t", y="x", line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend_label="x")
p.line(source=cds, x="t", y="y", line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend_label="y")
p.line(source=cds, x="t", y="z", line_width=2, color=colors[2], legend_label="z")
# Allow vanishing lines by clicking legend
p.legend.click_policy = "hide"
return p
We can take this for a spin to see the response of an I1-FFL.
# Parameter values
beta = 5
gamma = 1
kappa = 1
n_xy, n_yz = 3, 3
n_xz = 5
# Plot
p = plot_ffl(beta, gamma, kappa, n_xy, n_xz, n_yz, ffl="i1", logic="and")
The functionality of the solve_ffl()
and plot_ffl()
functions are available in the biocircuits
packages as biocircuits.apps.solve_ffl()
and biocircuits.apps.plot_ffl()
. The biocircuits.apps.plot_ffl()
also outputs the ColumnDataSource
s cds
and cds_x
that are used in constructing the FFL explorer app, so its API does differ from the function defined above.
Computing environment
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -v -p numpy,scipy,bokeh,biocircuits,jupyterlab
Python implementation: CPython
Python version : 3.10.10
IPython version : 8.10.0
numpy : 1.23.5
scipy : 1.10.0
bokeh : 3.1.0
biocircuits: 0.1.9
jupyterlab : 3.5.3